Total Vaccine Distribution Total for the World

To track the vaccination efforts, I scrapped vaccination data from the web using publicly available data sources.

Data from: Our World in Data,

Location and Date (YYYY-MM-DD) data was last updated:

# A tibble: 11 x 2
# Groups:   location [11]
   location         date      
   <chr>            <chr>     
 1 Canada           2020-12-21
 2 China            2020-12-19
 3 England          2020-12-16
 4 Israel           2020-12-21
 5 Northern Ireland 2020-12-16
 6 Russia           2020-12-14
 7 Scotland         2020-12-16
 8 United Kingdom   2020-12-21
 9 United States    2020-12-21
10 Wales            2020-12-16
11 World            2020-12-21

Figure 1: Global Covid 19 Vaccination Total by Location

However, this graph is slightly misleading because it does not put into account the total populations of the Locations being observed, when it comes to the total vaccinations per 100 people the graph looks like this.

Figure 2: Global Covid 19 Vaccination total per 100 people by Location

Total Vaccine (Pfizer) Distribution Total for the United States

Data from CDC: Center of Disease Control and Prevention,

Figrue 3: Top 10 as Percentage of the Population (2015) Vaccinated with Covid-19 Vaccine (Pfizer)

Figrue 4: Top 10 as Total Vaccinated with Covid-19 Vaccine (Pfizer)

Figure 5: United States Density Map of Coverage Percentage of Population (2015) for Vaccines Distributed (Pfizer)

Figure 6: United States Density Map of Total Vaccinations Distributed (Pfizer)

Total Vaccine (Moderna) Distribution Total for the United States

Figure 7: Top Ten States with Vaccine (Moderna) Distributed as Percent of Population (2015) across the United States

Figure 8: Top Ten States with Allocated Vaccines (Moderna)

Figure 9: Density map of the Percent Covered with Moderna Vaccinations

Figure 10: Density map of the Total Vaccines (Moderna) Allocated

Total Vaccine (Pfizer + Moderna) Distribution Total for the United States

Figure 11: Top Ten States with Allocated Vaccines as Percentage of Population (Pfizer + Moderna)

Figure 12: Top Ten States for Total Allocated Vaccines (Pfizer + Moderna)

Figrue 13: Total Vaccines (Pfizer + Moderna) Allocated Density Map

Firgure 14: Total Vaccines (Pfizer + Moderna) Allocated as Percentage of the Population

This report is meant to give insight into which states and countries can allocate vaccines to the most people during the initial days of availability for vaccines. Since the data comes from websites with data sources that are being continously updated, next time re-running this R report, there will be new figures and updated data.